Tuesday, September 22, 2015

About me


My name is Tiffany Jones and I am a hairstylist at House of Style salon in Columbia City, IN. I have been a stylist for over 11 years and take pride in the work I do.

From the time I was little I was styling, cutting and starting new hair trends. I never really knew I wanted to do hair until I got into high school and took a test which leads you to job that fit your personality. Girly, talkative, easy going, yep that sounds good for a hairstylist!

Every day at my job is different and I have to come up with different "personalities" to accomodate each client. I am Cinderella when I am cutting little girls' hair and pretend to be a football fan when guys come in. Some days I am so exhausted by the end of the day I don't even want to make one more decision. My husband may ask, "where do you want to eat tonight?" and my mind will go blank! "You might have to order for me also!" I tell him!

I love my clients and I love what I do! My clients have become some of my best friends and most of the time I have a story for each person I have been waiting to tell them. The salon I work at is even better. An owner who lets us choose hours, prices, organize the salon how we want and always lets us put our own families first. The girls I work with are so family oriented we don't have the energy to bicker at each other or talk bad about another. We are loving mothers who want nothing more than to watch our children succeed, and to make enough to provide a little extra for them!

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